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TOPIC: New Ideas?

New Ideas? 13 years, 3 months ago #1

  • FREE SMS Zimbabwe
  • Administrator
  • Its raining FREE SMS In Zimbabwe
  • Posts: 18
  • Karma: 1
Is there anything you feel we should do to improve our site. Please state below and we will be happy to implement or even contact you in case we need more details
FREE SMS Zimbabwe. Address: c/o Zimbabwe Business Directory
Suite 16, Samora Machel Parkade, Opp Kingstone Bookstore, Harare, Zimbabwe
Phone: +2634796528

Re: Testimonies 13 years, 3 months ago #2

  • flanquit
cool program BUT!!....ive notice that the username or the name that u enter wen registring can differ from the sender name that you enter wen sending the msg. this means that any1 can lie a name and send a msg to any1 claiming 2 b any1.this may not b cool.i dnt knw abt yu guys but i think the name u enter wen registring shld appear 2 the receiver aftr sending a msg.that wld b kul and easy 2 trace were the msg realy came from..

Re: Testimonies 13 years, 3 months ago #3

  • FREE SMS Zimbabwe
  • Administrator
  • Its raining FREE SMS In Zimbabwe
  • Posts: 18
  • Karma: 1
Thank you Flanquit for your suggestion. We have been thinking of a way round this as we had suspected the same and what we have decided to do is give users an option to choose what sender name they want permanently set as their senderID.

We will be implementing this within the next couple of days and thank you once again.
FREE SMS Zimbabwe. Address: c/o Zimbabwe Business Directory
Suite 16, Samora Machel Parkade, Opp Kingstone Bookstore, Harare, Zimbabwe
Phone: +2634796528

Re: Testimonies 13 years, 3 months ago #4

  • pernorge
Last Edit: 13 years, 3 months ago by .

Re: New Ideas? 13 years, 3 months ago #5

  • wasu
guys ur jus the best,if ur to imprve then it means will calling for free

Re: Testimonies 13 years, 3 months ago #6

  • wasu
thumbs up guys u realy hev helped us guys esp college students smss also rainng on ur dear ones
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